The Portuguese journal ‘Economia Social, Leituras e Debates’ has published its 22nd issue for October 2024, with a special focus on innovation in the sector, as a social and political tool for learning and advancing a sustainable economy.
The journal, published by the António Sérgio Cooperative for Social Economy (CASES), includes eight articles in addition to the editorial and an interview.
This issue is coordinated by Eduardo Graça, Deolinda Meira, and Elisabete Ramos, the first being the president of CASES and author of the editorial that begins this issue, “A Case of Institutional Innovation”. In this editorial, he highlights the fundamental role of the António Sérgio Cooperative for Social Economy (CASES) in the innovation of the Social Economy in Portugal, with its proposals for various sectors and for the national government itself.
Among the articles in this issue, there is a piece by Antonio Fici titled “Social enterprises in the new Italian code for third-sector organizations”; another by Carlos Vargas Vasserot, “Social enterprises with commercial forms as part of the social economy”; or an article by Susana Bernardino, “Social entrepreneurship and financing”.
Additionally, you can find the article “Legal framework of social enterprises in Spain” by Ana Montiel Vargas, and a text developed by the CASES team, “Proposal for guidelines for creating a social enterprise in Portugal: cases of social enterprises in Portugal.”
The issue also includes an interview with Filipe Almeida, President of Portugal Social Innovation, as well as the articles “Portrait of cooperative regions in Portugal” by Eduardo Pedroso; “Renewable energy communities: an opportunity for the social economy, but with many hurdles” by Miguel Macías Sequeira; and “The legal regime of worker cooperatives: a matter of choice?” by Tiago Pimenta Fernandes.