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News of the European Social Economy

SEN#29April 2024

Financials in social economy are at the core of transitions

By Hilde Vernaillen, CEO of the P&V Group

The insurance sector plays an important role in society by protecting individuals, families, enterprises and organisations, contributing to their peace of mind and well-being. Cooperatives and mutuals in the financial sector operate with that societal role as first driver. We are convinced that a strong cooperative and mutual financial sector can contribute to a better world. Given the huge challenges our societies are facing and the transition we need to make, this is more relevant than ever. This is why I call on politicians in Europe and all countries to take ownership on the societal role of the financial sector for the good of people.

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The Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament celebrates its last meeting of the legislature with great success

The Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament (SEIG) held its last meeting of the legislature on April 16th in Brussels with a high level of participation and proposals. More than a hundred people attended the meeting, titled 'The Social Economy in the 2024 European Elections.'

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The Social Economy, in the La Hulpe Interinstitutional Declaration on the Future EU Social Agenda and the European Pillar of Social Rights

The Belgian town of La Hulpe hosted the high-level conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights on 16 April. Hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), the European Commission, the Parliament and the Council of the EU, the Conference concluded with the signing of a Declaration, which renews the commitments of the EU institutions and civil society for a stronger social Europe.

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New ICA-European Union Partnership on International Cooperative Development

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) has signed a new partnership agreement with the European Commission in Brussels. Starting in April 2024, this new five-year international cooperative development program aims to strengthen the ICA network and boost its role in promoting international cooperative development policies and programs. This includes closer cooperation between the different ICA regional and global offices, as well as ICA sectorial organisations, partners, civil society organisations, international institutions, and other development stakeholders.

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Benoît Hamon, new president of ‘ESS France’

Former French Minister Benoît Hamon has been elected as the new president of ‘ESS France’, the representative association of actors and networks in the French social and solidarity economy, recognized by the SSE Law of July 31, 2014. Benoît Hamon will officially succeed the current president, Jérôme Saddier, on June 12, during the Congress organized by ‘ESS France’ on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the SSE Law in France.

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Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the CIRIEC International Journal on Gender, Social Economy, and State-Owned Enterprises

The CIRIEC International - Edgard Milhaud Foundation journal 'Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics' calls for papers for a special issue entitled "Gender Approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises". The deadline for all submissions for the Special Issue is June 1st, 2024.

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Report 'Feeling the Heat: How Foundations Can Use their Investments to Curb Climate Change'

The European Philanthropy Association Philea has published a report on how foundations can align their investments with the climate, using three case studies. The objective of the report is to encourage foundations to invest their endowment and assets in a way that takes into account climate change and seeks to align with a rapid and just transition to a decarbonized economy.

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Social Economy Live

ENSIE Advances Social Impact Measurement for Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs)

The publication of the "Impact-WISEs" tool in 2023 marked a milestone, providing quantitative indicators to assess the positive contributions of WISEs. This tool not only highlights economic and integration data but also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

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Research and Studies

Book "Economía Social y Solidaria y Género, una mirada desde Iberoamérica"

A new study by OIBESCOOP and CIRIEC has been published, which expands the work on a highly topical subject that is arousing great interest among women researchers in the co-operative movement and the social economy: the issue of gender inequality. The study, entitled ‘Economía Social y Solidaria y Género, una mirada desde Iberoamérica’, is a collective work carried out by a group of 35 experts from the OIBESCOOP Network and CIRIEC International, from 10 countries, coordinated by the President of OIBESCOOP, Carmen Marcuello (University of Zaragoza, Spain); the President of the Scientific Commission of Social and Cooperative Economy of CIRIEC-International, Marie J. Bouchard (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada), and Juan Fernando Álvarez (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia).

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Social Economy Schedule

AMICE Congress: The Art of Mutuality. 3-4 June 2024, Bilbao, Spain

The ninth AMICE Congress will take place on 3-4 June 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. The host for this edition is AMICE member, Seguros Lagun Aro. The theme for this edition is “The Art of Mutuality: People, Purpose, Potential”. Since its launch eighteen years ago, the AMICE Congress has become the most important event at which European mutual and cooperative insurers, their trading partners and EU policymakers meet and discuss the latest regulatory, legislative and international developments that are likely to affect their business.


European Microfinance Network (EMN) Annual Conference in Bucharest, 20-21 June

The conference will be preceded by a series of activities, including the General Assembly of the Network, which will take place on 19 June. Created in 2003 by Adie - France, NEF - UK and evers&jung - Germany, and with the support of the European Commission and the French Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), the European Microfinance Network is a Brussels-based non-profit organisation that promotes microfinance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion in Europe through self-employment and microenterprise creation.


Congress commemorating 10 years of the French SSE Law - Paris, 12-13 June 2024

The members of SSE France, its President Jérome Saddier as well as the many partners of the event invite you to a new milestone in the history of the SSE: the Congress commemorating 10 years of the French law on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). This event will be entirely dedicated to exchange, debate and reflection, in order to write the next 10 years in the service of the development of the SSE.


34th CIRIEC International Congress - Costa Rica, 16-18 October 2024

The 34th CIRIEC International Congress on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy will take place in Costa Rica on 16-18 October 2024, organised by UNED Costa Rica and CIRIEC. The theme will be "Strategies for territorial and human development". The Congress website and the call for papers are now available.



CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea