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Social Economy News

News of the European Social Economy

SEN#31June 2024

A look at the first ever African ESS Forum in Yaounde, Cameroon

By Pauline Eyebe Effa

The social and solidarity economy, which is finding fertile ground for expansion in Africa, is benefiting from a number of opportunities favourable to its development, with public policies and new laws to provide a framework for ecosystems already being tested in some countries. The first African forum on the social and solidarity economy (FORAESS), held in Yaoundé from 28 May to 1 June, brought together participants from 32 countries to share practices, experiences, policies and visions through collaboration and cooperation in building an inclusive, equitable, solidarity-based and people-centred African movement, and to reflect on an inter-African platform to support and promote the SSE through concrete actions.

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Call for Papers for the 34th International CIRIEC Congress – Costa Rica, 16-17-18 October 2024

CIRIEC International, the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) of Costa Rica and CIRIEC-Costa Rica are pleased to convene the 34th CIRIEC International Congress on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy. The Congress will be held on 16, 17 and 18 October 2024 at the ANDE International Convention Centre (CIC) in Belen, Costa Rica, under the theme ‘What strategies for a territorial and human development?’.

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Juan Antonio Pedreño, unanimously re-elected president of Social Economy Europe

Juan Antonio Pedreño was re-elected for the fourth time as president of Social Economy Europe (SEE), an organization that encompasses 2.8 million entities, represents about 8% of the European GDP, and employs more than 13.6 million people. In Pedreño's words, "a stage full of challenges begins at a time when the Social Economy enjoys great recognition at the state and international levels." The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor and Social Economy of the Spanish Government, Yolanda Díaz, closed the Assembly, defending this productive model as a driver of sustainable, democratic, and socially fairer economic development.

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UN General Assembly announces launch of the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives

The UN General Assembly, at its meeting on June 19th, declared 2025 as the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025), to be celebrated under the theme "Cooperatives Build a Better World", following the theme of the first 'CoopsYear', held in 2012. The theme highlights the lasting global impact of cooperatives and emphasizes that the cooperative model is a crucial solution for addressing various global challenges. Additionally, it underscores the significant role cooperatives play in advancing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

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International Day of Cooperatives 2024 will call for the construction of a better future for all the people

On 6 July, the International Day of Co-operatives will be celebrated around the world, this year with the slogan "Co-operatives build a better future for all", in remembrance of the International Year of Co-operatives 2012. The slogan is also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the UN, as well as with the Future Summit, also of the United Nations.

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France commemorates 10 years since the adoption of the Social and Solidarity Economy Law

In the context of the dissolution of the French National Assembly, the 6 plenary sessions of the Congress provided SSE actors to warn of the incompatibility of the social project defended by the SSE with the postulates of the far-right, which won the European elections in France. During the Congress, the appointment of former minister Benoit Hamon as the new president of ESS-France was made official.

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The 3rd edition of the Philea Forum in Ghent advocates the importance of building trust for the success of foundations, democracies and their institutions

The Philea Forum 2024, which took place from 27-29 May in Ghent, brought together 780 participants under the theme "Trust and Philanthropy". This year, the Forum discussed strategies to strengthen the role of foundations in building trust in democracy, in institutions and between generations. The Forum was organised by the European Philanthropy Association, together with a group of Belgian foundations, chaired by the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF).

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REVES holds its annual meeting with a focus on inter-cooperation between Social Economy actors and municipalities

The European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy held its annual meeting in Torres Vedras (Portugal) on 15-17 May, in the framework of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. REVES took this opportunity to hold its General Assembly, as well as to hold study visits and a policy laboratory to reflect on and propose solutions to current issues.

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Research and Studies

Study on State aid for access to finance for social enterprises and for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers in the form of wage subsidies

State aid rules are important framework conditions for actors of the social economy, as public funding plays an important role in that ecosystem. The present Study examines the application and impact of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) in supporting social enterprises (SEs) and the recruitment of disadvantaged workers across European Union Member States.

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Social Economy Schedule

34th CIRIEC International Congress - Costa Rica, 16-18 October 2024

The 34th CIRIEC International Congress on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy will take place in Costa Rica, in La Viña del Este, San José, on 16-18 October 2024, organised by UNED Costa Rica and CIRIEC. The theme will be ‘Strategies for territorial and human development’. The event is endorsed by the successful CIRIEC International Congress of Researchers in Social Economy held there in September 2021, with the participation of more than 500 people from 40 countries, including attendees and online participants, and the presentation of 180 papers. CIRIEC's international congresses are key events for the global community interested in the public, social and cooperative economy, as they promote knowledge exchange and international collaboration, and attract participants from all over the world, including representatives from the economic and social world, cooperative and social economy leaders, trade unionists, politicians and representatives of public institutions.


Congress on Promotion of the Social Economy. Fiscal and Public Policy Instruments - Valencia, 26th and 27th September

Valencia, Spanish Capital of the Social Economy 2024, will host on 26 and 27 September the 'Congress on Promotion of the Social Economy. Fiscal and Public Policy Instruments', organised by CIRIEC-Spain together with IUDESCOOP-Universitat de València (UV) and CEGEA-Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). This is an extraordinary congress in the CIRIEC calendar, programmed in the context of the said capital, which will have as its general theme "Public administration and the social economy: allies for an inclusive prosperity". More than 200 people are expected to participate, including university researchers, senior officials and technicians from public administrations and representatives of the cooperative and social economy sector.


FEBEA Annual conference - September 27 - Dublin

The FEBEA Annual conference brings together practitioners and experts in the filed of ethical finance and social economy at European and international level. The FEBEA annual event is an unique opportunity to exchange on the challenges and opportunities faced by ethical finance actors with respect to the changing social and political context.


ICA Global Cooperative Conference 2024 - November 25 – 30, New Delhi

New Delhi will host the 2024 international gathering of co-operatives to forge a collective, peaceful and prosperous future for all people. The ICA World Conference will be held in India for the first time in its 130-year history. This biennial event will officially launch the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives 2025 in the presence of world leaders.



CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea