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News of the European Social Economy

Letta Report, “Much More Than a Market”

The Letta Report, ‘Much More Than a Market’, commissioned by the EU Council and the Commission to Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister of Italy and current President of the Jacques Delors Institute, has been published. The report underscores that the EU is a political entity with shared values and goals, with transformative power in promoting peace and stability, particularly on a continent historically plagued by conflicts. It advocates for a vision of Europe that transcends economic interests, encompassing social justice, democratic values, and environmental sustainability to address contemporary challenges.

The report devotes significant attention to the Social Economy (SE), recognizing its crucial role in enhancing the social dimension of the Single Market by promoting social justice, cohesion, and inclusive prosperity.

Although it does not provide many details about the social economy, Letta acknowledges its contribution to job creation, poverty reduction, and essential services, particularly in marginalized communities.

He advocates for an environment where Social Economy enterprises can thrive equally with conventional businesses, emphasizing their importance in local community development and sustainable territorial ecosystems.

The report calls for the full implementation of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy and policy adjustments to facilitate Social Economy’s access to finance, streamline public procurement processes, and increase the social impact of public spending.

Access the Letta report

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