News of the European Social Economy
SEN#26December 2023

Sharing three years of European and global social economy advances
By José Juan Cabezuelo Menadas, journalist, coordinator of Social Economy News and Head of Communications at CIRIEC-Spain
"CIRIEC's newsletter 'Social Economy News' celebrates this December three years since the first issue was sent out in Toledo, European Capital of the Social Economy in 2020. Since then, 25 more issues have been published in its three versions: French, English and Spanish. Since then, we have shared the important advances in the recognition of the European and global social economy by the most relevant international organizations and institutions of the European Union, counting on the most reputable personalities to report on it".
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European Social Economy Meeting: The social economy at the core of transitions - Liège, 12 and 13 February 2024
This event, dedicated to the inclusive, green and digital transitions, is a unique opportunity for the social economy to bring together practitioners, scientists, policy-makers and other stakeholders to discuss innovative, resilient and inspiring economic models for a more social and sustainable Europe.
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The Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises (GECES) of the European Commission discusses the latest developments in promoting the European social economy
The meeting provided updates on the progress of implementing the European Action Plan for Social Economy, approved in December 2021. One of the key action areas was related to increasing Visibility and Recognition, operationalized through a report aimed at obtaining quantitative and qualitative information about the European social economy.
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The mutual and cooperative insurance sector already accounts for one-third of the total European insurance market
The report shows that Europe’s mutual and cooperative insurers have seen steady growth in business in recent years. Over the past ten years, gross written premiums for mutual/cooperative insurers have increased by more than 40%, and in 2022, European mutual and cooperative insurers held a market share of 33%. More than 500 million members/policyholders across 33 European countries derive their security from the mutual/cooperative insurance community, alongside the 487,000 people employed in the sector.
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SKI.F.T. project, supporting micro and small European social economy enterprises in green transition
SKI.F.T. – from the Danish word for “change” - is the title of a new transnational initiative which has the objective to accompany micro and small social economy enterprises in their efforts to make their business model and related practices more environmentally sustainable. The project, launched in October 2023, is co-funded by the EU SMP-COSME programme. It brings together social economy intermediary organisations and training providers from Denmark, Poland and Italy, as well as two European networks: Kooperationen (DK), FISE (PL), COESI (IT), Demetra Formazione (IT), Legacoop Emilia-Romagna (IT), REVES aisbl and CECOP.
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Spanish Government re-establishes the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy
The new government of Pedro Sánchez has re-established the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, with Yolanda Díaz, who also holds the position of the Second Vice President of the Spanish Government, still in charge. The new Ministry has also created a specific State Secretariat for Social Economy, headed by Amparo Merino Segovia, and a new General Directorate of Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility, with Aicha Belassir. Víctor Meseguer continues in this legislature as Special Commissioner for Social Economy.
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Ethical finance, a transformative force in the European financial landscape
The 6th Report on Ethical Finance in Europe has been released. The research, conducted by Fondazione Finanza Etica, Fundación Finanzas Éticas, and FEBEA, advocates for ethical finance as a transformative force in the financial landscape, emphasizing the importance of integrity for credibility and success.
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APCE Call for Papers - Gender approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises
Growing inequality, precarious working conditions, the climate crisis, the loss of democratic capacity and the increase in territorial violence are some of the major global challenges of our time. In many cases, women and gender minorities are at the heart of these issues, both as victims but also as promotors of alternatives to curb the risks involved. CIRIEC International journal ‘Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics’ proposes a special issue that focuses on social economy and state-owned enterprises, identifying the spaces, challenges and opportunities these organizations share from a gender perspective.
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New book: Social Economy Science, Transforming the Economy and Making Society More Resilient
Social Economy Science (Oxford University Press, 2023) provides a comprehensive analysis of why and how social economy organizations create superior value for society. The book draws on organizational theory and transition studies to provide a systematic perspective on complex multi-stakeholder forms of action. It discusses the social economy's role in promoting innovation for impact, as well as its role as an agent of societal change and as a partner to businesses, governments, and citizens.
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The OECD conducts the Mapping of Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems
As part of its Global Action for the Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy, the OECD is conducting a mapping of social economy ecosystems, through which fact sheets have been compiled to provide an overview of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in more than thirty covered countries. Furthermore, the OECD publishes a series of papers from the Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Program, presenting innovative ideas and practical examples on how to boost local development and job creation, also through social economy.
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First issue of REVES Magazine on public policies and social economy
The new publication arises from the need to gather knowledge and experiences within and outside the REVES Network, of European Regions and Cities for Social Economy, among social economy actors, policymakers, and local public administrations.
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European Conference 'The Social economy at the Core of Transitions', 12-13 February 2024 | Liège (Belgium)
This meeting focusing on inclusive, green and digital transitions presents a unique opportunity for the social economy ecosystem to unite practitioners, scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders to share and exchange perspectives on innovative, resilient and inspiring economic models for a more social and sustainable Europe. Participation is open to all. Website, program and practical information available.
+infoAMICE Congress: The Art of Mutuality. 3-4 June 2024, Bilbao, Spain
The ninth AMICE Congress will take place on 3-4 June 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. The host for this edition is AMICE member, Seguros Lagun Aro. The theme for this edition is “The Art of Mutuality: People, Purpose, Potential”. Since its launch eighteen years ago, the AMICE Congress has become the most important event at which European mutual and cooperative insurers, their trading partners and EU policymakers meet and discuss the latest regulatory, legislative and international developments that are likely to affect their business.