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News of the European Social Economy

133 contributions to co-build the European Social Economy Action Plan

Monday 26 April was the deadline to submit contributions for the future European Action Plan for the Social Economy and 133 contributions were submitted by the social economy community and other stakeholders.

Among these, you can find CIRIEC-International’s contribution. It considers that the voice of the social economy has never been so necessary: “we know that the answers to the global challenges of ecological and social transitions will not come from market or financial answers alone; we know that the technological changes that are taking place and the ethical questions will not find answers without taking into account the collective interest and the individuals”.

Other contributions are Social Economy Europe’s policy paper ‘Co-building the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet’, and the high-level contributions of its members AIM, AMICE, CEPES, CECOP, ConcertES, ENSIE, ESS-France in cooperation with other French social economy stakeholders, Eurodiaconia and Philantropy Advocacy (a joint initiative of the EFC and Dafne).

Member States and public authorities also submitted their contributions to this #HaveYourSay short consultation as the governments (Ministries and departments in charge of social economy) of Belgium, Ireland, Italy, France, Romania and Spain, and the regional/local governments of Wallonia, Barcelona, Strasbourg, the Association of Flemish provinces, etc.

The European Commission and Social Economy Europe thank all other partners and friends that have submitted contributions on this occasion as SSE International Forum, Euricse, WWF, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, IESMED, RIPESS Europe, RREUSE and many others.

All contributions can be found here:

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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea