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News of the European Social Economy

The european social economy is accelerating its campaign of dissemination and proposals ahead of the European Parliament elections

The upcoming European Parliament elections will take place from June 6 to 9, 2024. These are the dates applicable under the EU Electoral Act, which determines that European Parliament elections are held every five years, from Thursday to Sunday, usually in the first full week of June. The European Parliament is the only multinational parliamentary assembly in the world elected by direct suffrage. Members of the European Parliament represent the interests of EU citizens.

On the occasion of this important moment, the European social economy has presented multiple documents with its main demands and proposals. Specifically, Social Economy Europe (SEE) has widely disseminated its Memorandum and has held meetings with various Members of the European Parliament, parties, and groupings of the EU. SEE partners, including CECOP, Ensie, and others, have also organized events in which they have widely shared the points of the Memorandum.

In recent weeks, SEE has launched a campaign on social media and is currently collecting signatures from Members of the European Parliament who support the SEE manifesto and commit to carrying out its 3 main proposals:

  • Renewal of the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup
  • Appointment of a Commissioner responsible for SE
  • Implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan

The campaign began in mid-May and focuses on how SE responds to key challenges of the EU, which for SEE are combating climate change; supporting entrepreneurship and quality employment, the unique contribution of SE to social and health services, and supporting affordable living costs and local needs.

The campaign, titled #PeopleBeforeProfit, is available on X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

SEE warns that it is not affiliated with any party, and the fact that some parties have used the slogan ‘People Before Profit’ (which has been used as the main hashtag on social media) does not link them to any of them. In fact, during the campaign, different parties or candidates from different countries and groupings have used this slogan.

Annex: Social Economy Europe Memorandum for the 2024 EU elections

Other memoranda from European social economy families


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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea