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News of the European Social Economy

Report of the Social Economy Intergroup Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation

The Social Economy Intergroup Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation: Investing in the Social Economy as tomorrow’s economy was held on the 18 February 2021, as a zoom webinar. This online event discussed the importance of investing in the upskilling and reskilling of social economy entrepreneurs and employees as drivers of sustainable development and fair transitions.

The event was presented and moderated by Heather Roy, Secretary General of Eurodiaconia and member of the Board of Directors of SEE.

Important speakers at the event included: Patrizia Toia and Sven Giegold, MEP Co-Chairs of the Social Economy Intergroup; Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of Social Economy Europe; Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP; Laura Peracaula, Co-Director General of Suara Coop; Sibylle Reichert, Executive Director of AIM (International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies); Patrizia Bussi, Director of ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises); Jordi Cañas, MEP and Vice-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup, and Lina Gálvez, MEP and member of the Social Economy Intergroup.

The importance of identifying skills gaps, the added value of the social economy in addressing these skills needs, compared to traditional business models, and the policy actions of the EU, such as the Pact for Skills, were identified and debated.

The full report of this event can be found here:

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