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News of the European Social Economy

Costa Rica will host in September the VIII CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy

On 8, 9 and 10 September 2021, the VIII CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will be held in Costa Rica, face to face and virtually. The objective of this conference will be to share with academics and entrepreneurs their research on the social and solidarity economy in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, the public policies, cooperatives, climate change, economic inequalities, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other global priorities.

The event will disseminate key research papers submitted on the themes of social economy in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Currently, approximately 180 papers have been approved by CIRIEC-International. The deadline for exhibitors with papers to present at the conference is 4 July.

International speakers are expected to be present:

Henry Mintzberg: author of over 20 books and 180 articles, he is also co-founder and active member of the International Master’s Program for Managers and the International Master’s in Health Leadership. He has developed in academia as a teacher, researcher and writer. His work focuses on management, strategy and organisational forms.

Christian Felber:A specialist in sustainable social economics and alternatives for financial markets, he is known for developing an economic model called “Theory of the Common Good”.

Bernardo Kliksberg: Father of corporate social responsibility, he has more than fifty books and hundreds of works on various areas of development, education, public health and corporate social responsibility.

Ariel Guarco:President of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Cooperative leader who has led a process of development of the Argentine cooperative movement since his youth and has established active links with the rest of the cooperative movement in the Americas.

Graciela Fernández Quintas:President of Cooperatives of the Americas, a region of the International Cooperative Alliance, and Vice President of the International Cooperative Alliance since October 2018. With more than 20 years of experience in the fields of cooperative organisation, associativism and social economy.

Victor Van Vuuren:Director of the ILO’s Enterprise Department, Geneva.  He is currently Chair of the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy and of the UNTFSSE (United Nations Task Force on the Social Solidarity Economy).

ll Cheong Yi: Senior Research Coordinator at UNRISD’s Social Policy and Development and Alternative Economies Programme, his research interests are associated with issues such as the social economy and the promotion of sustainable development.

Bruno Roelants: Director General of the International Co-operative Alliance. His involvement in research on cooperativism and employment at the global level, social, worker and production cooperatives, as well as his fundamental role in the issuance of ILO resolution 193 of 2001, are noteworthy.

Vinicio Cerezo: former President of Guatemala, and Secretary General of SICA.  Mr. Cerezo is a Guatemalan lawyer and politician. He was President of Guatemala from 1986 to 1991. He became the first democratically elected civilian in the modern phase of Guatemalan democracy.

To register online, you can access the following link:

To register face to face, you can access the following link:

Official website of the event:

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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea