Under the direction of Philippe Bance, director of the public and social economy collection, and based on work led by Marcel Caballero, honorary president of CIRIEC-France, this Cahier was prepared in the context of an action-research project carried out in 2017 in execution of an agreement concluded with the State Secretariat for Trade. It was supplemented by work carried out by CIRIEC-International as part of the work of CIRIEC’s cross-cutting group on the “public economy and the social economy”, which led to the publication in 2018 of the book ‘Providing public goods and Commons, Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action’.
The aim of this work was to analyse the potential for synergies between public actors and those of the social and solidarity economy with a view to changing the development model. Indeed, the public economy (PE) and the social and solidarity economy (SSE) contribute, each for its part and according to its means, to the satisfaction of social needs, of collective needs.
Philippe Bance, Jean-Philippe Milesy, Chrystelle Zagbayou : La coopération entre économie publique et l’économie sociale en France par le développement des partenariats
Marcel Caballero, Jean-Philippe Milesy : Économie publique – économie sociale et solidaire : des synergies à encourager
Philippe Bance : Partenariats public-ESS et production jointe de biens publics et de communs
Alain Arnaud, Marcel Caballero, Jean-Philippe Milesy : Économie publique et économie sociale : convergences et divergences